Based in the heart of rural Somerset, The Cottage Brewing Company was founded in 1993 by Chris and Helen Norman.
The Cottage Brewing Company has a reputation for producing beers of the very highest quality, and has won gold medals at beer festivals all over the country, including Taste of the West, Supreme Champion for the South West of England and Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) Supreme Champion Beer of Great Britain for its strong ale, Norman’s Conquest.
All beers have a very distinctive hoppy flavour and nose, which is appreciated by connoisseurs of traditional real ales. The malt is sourced, where possible, in the South West of England and only the finest Maris Otter pale malt is used, together with Crystal, Chocolate and Cara to form the grists. The brewery’s yeast strain provides excellent condition, while quickly dropping to give crystal clear bright beers.
Find out more about their award winning ales on their own site.
Below are details of the ale from Cottage Brewing that has been sold, to date, at The Bake and Alehouse.