This libation, which we define as a 'Bitter', has a strength of 3.7% ABV.
Wold Top's first, flagship and still best selling bitter. Wold Top Bitter is a light amber coloured, crisp clean aromatic session bitter, with an unusually full flavour for its abv and a long hoppy finish.
Brewed from Wold grown Barley malt, with Northdown hops for traditional bittering and flavour.
Award winner Deliciously Yorkshire Drinks 2008/9.
(Wold Top Bitter makes excellent beer batter for the chefs amongst you!)
So far, this is one of 12 beers from Wold Top that have been sold at the Bake & Alehouse.
To date, the Bake & Alehouse has supplied -
From THIS brewery:
11 ales with a higher strength
One ale of this strength
From ALL breweries:
814 stronger ales
26 ales of this strength
46 weaker ales
12 ales with an unrecorded strength
Records indicate that a barrel of this drink has been available once in Westgate's Bake & Alehouse since August 2012
Please click on the logo above to visit the brewery's own web site.