This libation, which we class as 'A Dark Ale - Enhance With Treacle AND Liquorice Toot ' (a Dark Ale), has a strength of 4.2% ABV.
In October 2017, this was brewed a new, seasonal ale. Treacle Treat is ghoulishly good!
With an ABV of 4.2%, this spooky Halloween ale really packs a punch! An apocalyptic autumn ale sweetened with treacle syrup, available throughout October.
Brewed with Target hops, combined with Pale Ale, Crystal, Brown and Black malts. The addition of treacle and liquorice root make this beer sinfully good!
So far, this is one of 12 beers from Wadworth that have been sold at the Bake & Alehouse.
To date, the Bake & Alehouse has supplied -
From THIS brewery:
6 ales with a higher strength
One ale of this strength
5 ales with a lower ABV
From ALL breweries:
461 stronger ales
70 ales of this strength
356 weaker ales
12 ales with an unrecorded strength
Records indicate that a barrel of this drink has been available once in the Bake since August 2012
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