This drink, which we describe as a 'Best Bitter' (a Bitter), has an ABV of 4.1%.
This ale is a bit of a corker!
At 4.1% this bitter will never need a topping - (or to be questioned). This one is to be savoured..
We could go all fancy and tell you it hits the back of your throat with a Tyson punch but lingering at the front is Nina Simone ready to seduce your taste buds - but we won't (because that just doesn't sound like the right way to describe such a powerful, yet seductive, real ale).
Now to the technical stuff: Ripple Steam Best Bitter consists of a mixture of traditional floor malts and styrian goldings. This gives an infusion of malt and apricot flavours. So, if you are 'cruising for a brewing' try this Best Bitter.
So far, this is one of 5 beers from Ripple Steam that have been sold at the Bake & Alehouse.
To date, the Bake & Alehouse has supplied -
From THIS brewery:
2 ales with a higher strength
One ale of this strength
2 ales with a lower ABV
From ALL breweries:
531 stronger ales
47 ales of this strength
309 weaker ales
12 ales with an unrecorded strength
Records indicate that this drink has been available, twice in the Bake since August 2012
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