This drink, which we class as a 'Deep Amber, Golden Ale' (a Golden Ale), has an ABV of 4.5%.
A Deep Amber Ale, with a warm vanilla twist on the palate and a soft feel on the tongue; a beer to guide you home.
Named 'Sheppard' because it is the maiden surname of Karen's (one of the Brewing team and proprietors) mother and an ancient English and sometimes Scottish surname. Other spellings include Shepherd, Shephard and Sheppard, Shepeard, Shepperd and Shippard.
So far, this is one of 15 beers from Goody Ales that have been sold at the Bake & Alehouse.
To date, the Bake & Alehouse has supplied -
From THIS brewery:
3 ales with a higher strength
3 ales of this ABV
8 ales with a lower ABV
One ale with an unrecorded strength
From ALL breweries:
269 stronger ales
108 ales of this strength
509 weaker ales
12 ales with an unrecorded strength
Records indicate that this drink has been available in the Bake & Alehouse, on over 11 seperate occasions, since August 2012
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