This drink, which we class as a 'Zesty Blond Beer' (a Blond Beer), has a strength of 3.9% ABV.
To quote the brewery themselves about this seasonal ale:
November and ooh look we found some hops in the coldstore! Palisade, they're called. And very nice too. Sort of piney and lemony. Very good. Anyway the beer's pale gold, is called Palisade and it's 3.9% ABV.
So far, this is one of 5 beers from Crouch Vale that have been sold at the Bake & Alehouse.
To date, the Bake & Alehouse has supplied -
From THIS brewery:
3 ales with a higher strength
One ale of this strength
One ale weaker than this
From ALL breweries:
714 stronger ales
32 ales of this strength
140 weaker ales
12 ales with an unrecorded strength
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