This drink, which we define as a 'Glorious Golden Ale' (a Golden Ale), has an ABV of 4.7%.
Elsie Mo’s name is derived from the Low Colour Maris Otter malt from which it is exclusively brewed, and which gives the beer its lovely golden hue. A blend of First Gold, Aurora and Bobek hops give the beer its delicate citrus aroma and floral taste.
So far, this is one of 3 beers from Castle Rock that have been sold at the Bake & Alehouse. This is not the strongest ale sold at the Bake and Alehouse, but it has the equal highest ABV has the from this brewery (they have produced another ale of the same strength that has been sold at the Bake & Alehouse. So far, here have been 205 ales with a higher ABV supplied.
To date, the Bake & Alehouse has supplied -
From THIS brewery:
One ale of this strength
2 ales with a lower ABV
From ALL breweries:
205 stronger ales
35 ales of this strength
646 weaker ales
12 ales with an unrecorded strength
Records indicate that a barrel of this drink has been available once in Westgate's Bake & Alehouse since August 2012
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